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Multiple Transformations Analysis

Open the data from Trials II, and III. Answer the following questions in Notes on your handheld computer.

  1. You built a solar car in Trial I! What other features would it need to be a practical vehicle?

  2. You were asked to rate the efficiency of each energy transformation. Low efficiency means that useful energy is lost. Where does the lost energy go, in the case of the solar cell, the light bulb, and the Genecon? How efficient do you think each transformation is?

  3. What series of energy transformations is happening when one Genecon drives another? What do you think the efficiency of this system is? Record your thoughts in Notes on your handheld computer.

  4. Design an energy "Rube Goldberg" machine. This type of machine is a wacky series of devices that change energy through various forms and ends up serving a purpose. Make a drawing of your Rube Goldberg on your handheld computer. Please no live animals!

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