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Multiple Transformations Further Investigations

  • Measure the efficiency of the Genecon. Here are three ways:

    1. Put pulleys on two Genecons and use a falling weight on one to raise a weight with the other. What would be a good definition of efficiency in this case?

    2. Hook the Genecon up to the Voltage/Current probe, start the software to read energy, and wind up the thread on the pulley. Let the weight fall several times, and monitor the energy on the graph. Potential energy of a falling object is:

      Energy (joules) = mass(kg) * (9.8 m/s*s) * change of height(m)

      Does the energy measured by the Voltage/Current probe match this calculation?

    3. Hook the Genecon up to the heat cell, and wind up the thread on the pulley. Let the weight fall several times, sending energy into the heat cell. Monitor the heat cell with the Temperature probe. How many joules were given up by the falling weight? The calculation is shown in part b above. Compare this to the joules of heat energy gained by the heat cell. This is:

      Heat energy (joules) = 10 * rise in temperature (degC)

  • Build your own energy "Rube Goldberg" using the equipment in your kit or anything else you can find!

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